Monday, August 28, 2006

Senator puts "Secret Hold" on bill

Oh come on, how can I make something like this up?

As it turns out.. and I'll completely admit to my ignorance on this subject.. Senators can put "Secret Holds" on bills in Congress.

The absolutely best part of the story though, has yet to be revealed.

The bill that was put on Double Secret Probation was of course... a bill that would have opened up more Federal Records.

So brilliantly, a bill that seeks to open certain kinds of federal records, was cancelled by a person that can hide behind some magic shield.

Pure genius.


mattjustmull said...

Wow, I like how one guy can hold the entire senate hostage. I wonder if this is a bid for votes. Say the Republican party doesn't want this bill to pass, but they can't vote the bill down because it would look bad. They set one guy up, pretend to be outraged, and then mysteriously never figure out who did it.

Anonymous said...

he he