Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Manatees aren't stupid! They're just really lazy....

As many of you know, I have some weird fascination with Manatees. Ultimately, it comes down to the fact that they are cute. They're cute in that get run over by a boat way, but cute all the same.

I have heard many times by all you mean souls out there that Manatees are dumb, because how else could they get run over all the time. Well, it turns out, I was right, and you were wrong. Fat and Lazy? Yes. Cute? Yes. Stupid? Nope!

And now I have science to back me up. Manatees aren't stupid, they're just slow and lazy.

1 comment:

mattjustmull said...

Let's say 'difficult to motivate' rather than lazy. We don't want to offend anybody. :)