Monday, February 19, 2007

Rule #8: The best way to avoid getting caught for Bank Robbery? Rob another bank!

Obviously since this worked once, it would work again and again.

Police in Wellington, New Zealand were baffled that they couldn't find a
bank robber they thought was confined in a small area of downtown Wellington. Turns out he was in the one place that police weren't looking.. another bank.

And of course, while he was there, he figured he might as well rob the place. Witnesses who saw the man described him as "dodgy." Brilliant.


mattjustmull said...

LOL, something about him that said,"I'm a robber." Yet they didn't catch the guy.

My new hero. Just calmly walks into a couple of banks and earns a months pay.

Anonymous said...

Beware those sneaky New Zoolanders.

Anonymous said...

People in Wellington are a little strange, its very windy there.

Jules said...

Clearly, New Zoolanders are not sneaky, rather they are a "lets get it done" type of nation, and also, "lets do it again seeeing as how they didnt catch us the first time"..

Anonymous said...

I heard, that if you aren't careful, a New Zoolander will try to steal money from the post office by trying to mail it to themselves.

cc said...

aali did it.